Biology of Reproduction           USD

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Biology of Reproduction
Dr. Cliff H. Summers
C-H 178A 677-6177
2016 Biology of Reproduction Syllabus

Biology of Reproduction is a relatively advanced class, that a background in physiology, biochemistry, neurobiology, or endocrinology will help you understand. If you have questions, talk to Dr. Summers.

text: Human Reproductive Biology
- RE Jones and KH Lopez

2006 Biology of Reproduction Syllabus
2000 Biology of Reproduction Syllabus
1998 Biology of Reproduction Schedule/ text only
1997 Biology of Reproduction Schedule

LinksURL connections for Reproductive Biology:

Encyclopedia of Reproduction
Virtual Ovarian Workshop


Biology of Reproduction
Animal Reproduction Science
Journal of Andrology


Society for the Study of Reproduction
American Society of Andrology
Australian Society of Reproductive Biology
British Andrology Society
Fertility Society of Australia
Society for the Study of Fertility

other classes:
Behavioral Neuroscience
Seminars in Neuroendocrinology

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